Wednesday, July 16, 2014

The First Step

Here I am. Sitting in the Toronto Pearson International Airport, basically one step away from completing a decision I made sometime last year. I'm headed to South Korea to teach English, despite that being almost halfway around the world from my current home as well as the first foreign country I've ever visited (apart from the USA).

I've always been more of an adventurous sort (going to university nowhere near my home town), but this is a big step, even for me. I've done my research, but I don't think anything can properly prepare me for exactly what I'm about to experience. There's really no emotion that can properly describe how I feel right now. I'm nervous, excited, sad, happy, and the list just keeps going on. But above all else, I feel like I've made the best possible decision.

I don't know all that much about South Korea, and probably half of what I've read has been false, but I do know one thing. This adventure I'm about to undertake is going to open my world to an incredible number of interesting new people, places, and experiences. And it's going to be amazing.

So I'll leave you now, while I stress about my impending 19-hour flight to South Korea and all of what awaits be on the other side.

My name is Aaron and these are my adventures.


  1. So dramatic. I'm glad you're blogging about this, though!! I had an interview for placement in China today, so we'll see how that's kind of reassuring to read about your experiences first, though, lol.

    My name is Cat, and this is my comment.

  2. How did I not see these sooner...for some reason I missed reading 7 of your blog entries!!!! I will catch up later. I really should sleep now!
