Sunday, July 27, 2014

Korean BBQ

Everyone loves food. I mean, almost everyone. I think I've only heard of one person not liking food, and they happen to one of my students. I can't remember the reasoning, but if I recall correctly, it was pretty solid. Either way, the food in Korea is, simply put, quite amazing. I've had Korean BBQ back in Vancouver and always enjoyed it there, but it's obviously a shadow of the true Korean BBQ's here. But not everyone's had the pleasure of experiencing a Korean BBQ of any sort, so I thought I'd post a few things I've come to realize about Korean food.

1. Korean food can be really spicy. I've been preparing for awhile by eating spicier and spicier foods, but I still find more than a few dishes in Korea to be almost too spicy for me. I've still been able to eat everything, and no dish has absolutely killed my taste buds yet, but there have definitely been a few dishes that have brought tears to my eyes. If you do end up coming to Korea or go to a Korean restaurant and can't handle the spice, I've got a tip that should keep you pretty safe: Don't order anything that's red. Red dishes means they've been cooked with at least one Korean chili spice (usually powder or paste) and that will add a significant amount of spice to most dishes.

2. Korean BBQ's can be quite a expansive affair. Every one I've had has had at least one meat present, if not two or three more. Additionally, it comes with a number of side soups and dishes, many of which are fried with the meat. How you choose to eat everything is kinda up to you, as there's not too many specific rules as far as I can tell. I've found that wrapping a number of side dishes and meat in a lettuce leaf is quite fantastic. There's also some sort of large minty green leaf that is even more delicious than lettuce, which is quickly becoming my favourite thing to mix everything in.

3. Finally, I'm finding that not questioning what's in the food the easiest way of finding every dish delicious. Before I came to Korea I wasn't exactly the pickiest eater, but there was always a few things that I hesitated in trying. But since once of my goals coming to Korea was to make the most out of the experience, I've been trying everything that's been put in front of my. And I've liked all of it. I'm not even entirely sure of all the things I've eaten, but they've all been good. So suspending your doubt about food makes the experience just that much enjoyable.

To close out, I'd just like to add that I've put a couple different ways to follow me on the sidebar if you want to keep up with all my posts. I'm not entirely sure how either work, and I'll probably be adding a bit more to my blog when I have time, but in the meantime those follow buttons should do the trick if you want to follow it.

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