Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Chuseok! (추석)

Well, I know I haven't blogged in a while, and I'm pretty sorry for that, but I've really taken to teaching. I'm getting into into the habit of pulling 50-60 hour weeks, even though I'm not required to at all. I'm not sure whether that's a good or a bad habit, but it's easy to work that long doing something you love.

So excuses aside, this blog post is going to be a little short, but I hope to get a longer one up tomorrow and I hope that I'll blog a bit more regularly.

Anyway, this past weekend I celebrated Chuseok (추석) or Korean Thanksgiving with my head teacher's husband's family again. I got to meet his brother and his brother's children, who were a joy to see. The daughter is six and the son is nine, and I quickly began being called 김이현 삼촌 or Aaron 삼촌. Kim Leehyun (김이현) is my Korean name and samchon (삼촌) is Korean for uncle. I really enjoyed hanging out with the family and I'm forever in their debt for making my first 추석 so special.

I won't go into too much detail, as I've got a bit of a better way to show the trip, but we spent about four days in 단양 again, with lots of drinking, eating, and laughing. Along with this, I also got to visit a breathtaking temple in the mountains, with the most beautiful view, as well as participate in the traditional 추석 ceremony. This ceremony is preformed to honour Korean ancestors, so we honoured the father of my head teacher's husband. It was truly an amazing trip and I loved every second of it.

So instead of cluttering my blog with a bunch of pictures, etc., my phone decided to create an amazing Google+ story about my trip. So here's the link here and enjoy the wonderful photos!

I'll talk to you all soon!